Restitution of Cultural Property: International Conventions and Their Practices

Restitution of Cultural Property: International Conventions and Their PracticesJihon Kim, Ph.D.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Harvard University Asia Center
Chief of International Cooperation,
Korean National Commission for UNESCO

Since the end of the Second World War, international organizations have introduced several conventions to combat the illicit trafficking of cultural property and facilitate its restitution. These conventions have gradually increased awareness within the international community and helped to moralize the art market. They have also enabled peaceful settlements related to the
restitution of stolen or illegally exported cultural properties.

This talk introduces key ideas of those international conventions for the restitution of cultural property. In particular, the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property adopted in 1970, and the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects adopted in 1995 will be the main focus. Additionally, several cases from the US and Korea will be analyzed to demonstrate both the achievements and challenges faced by the international community.

This talk also aims to help students understand the work of international organizations in the field of art and culture.

Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 4:00pm via Zoom.
Register here

Eighth Distinguished WAI Lecture on Renaissance Art and Culture

Praised to the Skies: Elevation, Framing and Sacred Space in the Renaissance Pala

Alison Wright, Professor in Italian Art c. 1300-1500, Department of History of Art, University College London

Friday, 17 May 2024, 7.30-9.30 pm, UTC+8 Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, and Hong Kong, onsite & Zoom 
[11.30 am–1.30 pm, London; 12.30–2.30 pm, Berlin; 6.30–8.30 am, New York/Washington D.C.]   

Ercole de’ Roberti, Pala Portuense, 1479-1481, detail, oil on canvas, 323×240 cm. Made for S. Maria in Porto Fuori, Ravenna. Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

Around 1500, a “revolutionary novelty of pictorial language” (Salvatore Settis) can be observed in Venetian painting, which clearly deviates from the concept of “historia” as formulated by Leon Battista Alberti and implemented by early Renaissance painting, especially in Florence. Particularly in paintings by the old Giovanni Bellini, the early deceased Giorgione and the young Titian, there are hints of an alternative conception of what paintings can achieve. At the centre of this understanding is less an intellectual-scholarly ambition or the precise and reliable communication of certain thoughts than a form of perception in which viewing and contemplation are combined in a distinctive way. In addition to what a depiction gives us to see and reflect upon, i.e. the figures, actions and the meanings conveyed with them, what counts at least as much in Venetian pictorial culture is that a painting stimulates its audience to a specific doing and an unusual experience: to a thoughtful looking. The lecture will present this pictorial concept and ask to what extent it can be traced back to late medieval inspirations. The thesis will be put up for discussion that it is precisely the rather traditional cultural practice of Christian allegoresis from which essential impulses could be taken to arrive at a new conception of the possibilities of painting. This conception, in turn, was to become of great importance for the art of the early modern period. Pictures – as Venetian paintings show – cannot be reduced to being manifestations of a clearly predetermined meaning, but prove to be objects of open, temporally extending contemplation and reflection. Based on these observations, the concluding part of the lecture will outline more general considerations on the temporality of viewing pictures. 


If you are residing outside mainland China and interested in attending this or other WAI lectures, please register for virtual participation:

Kindly note that Professor Wright’s lecture was initially planned for May 24, 2024, but it has been rescheduled to May 17, 2024. If you are interested in joining this event via Zoom, please mark box number 7. Those who have registered will receive timely email notifications with the Zoom links prior to each scheduled event. 

A Panoply of Colors, A World of Materials: Global Connections of Early Modern DyesA Panoply of Colours, A World of Materials: Global Connections of Early Modern Dyes

This conference is free and open to the public

Register to attend in-person or via Zoom

Conference attendees should register their vehicle to get access to free parking in Lot 1 Blue:

(for a map of UCR parking lots, click here)

What kinds of histories do textiles and dyes tell? They represent not just culture, artistic expression, and ‘beauty’ but also science, technology, labor, and economics. Their histories are entangled in the histories of commerce, slavery, and colonialism, as well as resistance to them. As dyes come from plants and animals in different ecosystems, how did knowledge about processing and using dyes circulate in the early modern period (before 1850)? Can they help us gain insight into Indigenous forms of knowledge, cultural philosophies, histories of religious conversion, and cultural exchange? How do they expand our understanding of the histories of science and technology? When we foreground the materiality of textiles and dyes, what are the distinct cultural contexts that come into view? What are the spatial relationships, environmental conditions, and technological limitations that become important to understand
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9:00 – 9:30 am – Welcome

9:30 – 10:45 am – Keynote by Aboubakar Fofana“Indigo Pasts and Futures in West Africa: A View from Mali”

10:45 – 11:00 am – Coffee Break

11:00 am – 12:40 pm –  Session 1

  • BuYun Chen,  “From Field to Vat: The Life of Indigo in the Ryukyu Islands”
  • Sylvia Houghteling“Fleeting Dyes and Fresh Fabrics: Perishable Materials in the Eastern Indian Ocean Textile Trade”

12:40 – 1:40 pm – Lunch Break

1:40 – 3:20 pm – Session 2

  • Sean Silver, “Early Modern Mordants: History, Theory, and Practice” 
  • Michelle Rawlings, “The Fading Colors of West Mojave”
  • Chi Yen Ha, “Beyond Indigo Blue: Exploring Inter-ethnic Dynamics in Knowledge Expansion and Creativity in Vietnam’s Natural Dyeing Movement”

3:20 – 3:50 pm – Coffee Break

3:50 – 4:50 pm – Tyrrell Tapaha“People and the Pigments: the Ethnobotanical History of Diné Weaving and the Colorado Plateau”

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Organised by Jody Benjamin (Assistant Professor of History), Yong Cho (Assistant Professor of Art History), Savannah Esquivel (Assistant Professor of Art History), and Fatima Quraishi (Assistant Professor of Art History). This conference is made possible through the support of the Center for Ideas & Society, CHASS Dean’s Office, Department of Art History, Department of History, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, Department for the Study of Religion, Department of English, Reclamation & Native American Communities Commons Group, Queer and Trans Commons Group, Middle East and Islamic Studies Program, and Southeast Asia: Text, Ritual, and Performance.

Photo: Naoya Wada. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Meeting the Unknown: Albrecht Dürer and the Aztecs

Manuel Teget Welz Talk 2024Manuel Teget-Welz, Ph.D.
Department of Art History
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Albrecht Dürer is the most important German Renaissance artist. He had a keen interest in the unknown and traveled a great deal, including to Italy and the Netherlands. Following the cruel conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hérnan Cortés in 1519, the Spanish received numerous gifts from the last Aztec ruler, Moctezuma II. These were sent to Europe to Emperor Charles V and were exhibited in numerous cities. Dürer had the opportunity to see the Aztec objects in Brussels, and wrote in detail about this encounter with the unknown in his diary.

Wednesday, April 3 at 5:15pm, ARTS Seminar Room 333




Desert Distortion and Elemental Immediacy

Dr. Celina Osuna
University of Texas, El Paso

Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 4:00-5:00pm
INTS 1154 or via Zoom


Dr. Osuna will discuss desert distortion, a technique rooted in experimentation and play. The theoretical work of desert distortion is to provide an inexhaustive set of lenses for engaging with histories, boundaries, bodies, cultures, and languages that reveal the abundance and value of desert places.

Osuna’s research offers distortion as a generative mode of engaging desert agency to unsettle old understandings of them as alien or static and allow for experiencing dynamic deserts anew. This is an invitation to inhabit the deserts of literature and other cultural productions in order to create new collaborations of thought and practice in times of ecological emergency.

Dr Celina Osuna is an artist and assistant professor of English at the University of Texas at El Paso. Her research examines indigenous and Latinx environmentalisms and aesthetics in desert literature.

Join in person or via Zoom.

Sponsored by the Department of Media and Cultural Studies and the Being Human Initiative at the Center for Ideas and Society.

Congratulations to Homer Charles Arnold who present his research at the 2024 Getty Graduate Symposium!

Friday, February 2, 2024, from 9:45 am – 6 pm
Museum Lecture Hall

The Getty Research Institute hosts the sixth annual Getty Graduate Symposium, which showcases the work of emerging scholars from art history graduate programs across California. Organized into three sessions, the symposium includes nine individual presentations, moderated panel discussions, and Q&A sessions with the audience.

Free | In-person and online
Advance ticket required or advance Zoom registration

View the program.

Anna Flinchbaugh, University of Southern California
Ariana Pemberton, University of California, Berkeley
Homer Charles Arnold, University of California, Riverside
Joe Riley, University of California, San Diego
Leslie Lodwick, University of California, Santa Cruz
Maria Shevelkina, Stanford University
Mohammadreza Mirzaei, University of California, Santa Barbara
Nastasya Kosygina, University of California, Irvine
Taylor Carr-Howard, University of California, Los Angeles

Get Tickets
To attend in person, click “Get Tickets.”
To watch online, register via Zoom.

The symposium will be available on the Getty Research Institute YouTube channel following the event.