Current and Next Term Course Offerings

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Please consult the online course catalog for cross-listed courses and full course information.

SUMMER 2024 – SESSION A (June 24-July 27)

AHS 007/World Art: Images, Issues, and Ideas

CRN#: 74447
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00AM-12:50PM
Place: Online Synchronous Offering

AHS 180/Modern European Art I: Nineteenth Century

CRN#: 74009
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00AM-12:50PM
Place: Online Synchronous Offering


AHS 020/Introduction to Media Art

CRN#: 70002
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00PM-3:50PM
Place: Online Synchronous Offering

AHS 136/History of Video Art

CRN#: 74450
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00PM-3:50PM
Place: Online Synchronous Offering

AHS 165/Women Artists in Renaissance Europe: 1400-1600

CRN#: 74454
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00AM-11:50AM
Place: Online Synchronous Offering


AHS 010/Photography and the Body

CRN#: 38014
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00AM – 12:20PM
Place: ARTS Screening Room 335

AHS 017A/History of Western Art: Prehistoric to Byzantine

CRN#: 37767
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30PM – 7:50PM
Place: CHASS Interdisciplinary North 1020

AHS 025/Art of Mesoamerica

CRN#: 37766
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 2:00PM – 3:20PM
Place: Watkins 1000

AHS 115/Modern and Contemporary Art of Latin America

CRN#: 38303
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 5:00PM-6:20PM
Place: ARTS Screening Room 335

AHS 171/Baroque Art. The Church, the Court, and the People: Art in 17th-Century Europe

CRN#: 38011
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30AM – 10:50AM
Place: ARTS Screening Room 335

AHS 175/Industry and Alienation: Late 19th-Century American Art

CRN#: 38009
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 11:00AM-12:20PM
Place: Arts Screening Room 335

AHS 180/Nineteenth-Century Art

CRN#: 38010
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30PM-1:50PM
Place: Arts Screening Room 335

AHS 189E/Topics in Contemporary Art

CRN#: 34870
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00PM-3:20PM
Place: Arts Screening Room 335

AHS 192/Junior-Senior Seminar

CRN#: 10037
Meetings: Monday, 1:00PM-3:50PM
Place: Arts Seminar Room 333


AHS 251A/Proseminar in Historiography

CRN#: 10044
Meetings: Tuesday, 3:00PM-5:50PM
Place: Arts Seminar Room 333

AHS 260/Seminar in Latin American Art

CRN#: 38013
Meetings: Wednesday, 2:00PM-4:50PM
Place: Arts Seminar Room 333

AHS 280/Seminar in Research

CRN#: 10045
Meetings: Wednesday, 11:00AM-1:50PM
Place: Arts Seminar Room 333